First Name
Last Name
Preferred Name (if different)
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Relationship
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Emergency Contact Email
How did you hear about the Yoga Learning Hub 200H YTT?
Word of Mouth
Through a YQ Teacher
I practice at YQ
Web search
YQ Website
If you were referred by a YQ teacher, please share their name:
From your perspective, please describe yoga.
With so many wonderful trainings available, why are are interested in joining the Yoga Learning Hub teacher training? Please share a bit about what resonates with you about the training, and what would you hope to gain through participating.
After completing this training, do you hope to teach or share yoga with others? If so, why? (Please note - it is absolutely not a requirement to have a desire to teach after completing this training! Many participate to deepen their own practice.)
Tell us a little about your personal yoga practice. How long have you been practicing? What led you to begin practicing? What styles of yoga have you explored?
From your personal experience, how has yoga been beneficial to you? You might consider the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the practice.
What do you think makes a good yoga teacher?
Do you have any health conditions or injuries which may impact your ability to fully participate in this training? Please explain.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Agreement Checklist
I have read and understand fully the training details and information provided by Yoga Learning Hub.
I understand that if my application to the YTT is accepted, I will be required to pay a deposit of £350 to hold my place. I understand that this deposit is non-refundable. I will pay the remaining balance by the date(s) agreed upon in my payment plan. I understand that if I do not, I will not be able to participate in the training.
I understand that in order to receive certification through Yoga Alliance, I must complete all course requirements. Full details and expectations will be given prior to the start of the course.
I will take full responsibility for looking after myself and my wellbeing throughout the training. I will communicate any challenges that arise with the trainers.
If your application is accepted, how would you like to pay for the training?
One payment in full
Deposit of £350 due within 7 days of acceptance to the course, followed by equal monthly instalments of the remaining balance to be paid in full by 1st May 2025
Deposit of £350 due within 7 days of acceptance to the course, followed by 1 payment of £1325 due 1st February 2025 and 1 payment of £1325 due 1st May 2025
If you selected 'other' please outline the payment plan that would work best with your financial situation. Please note that a non-refundable deposit of £350 is required to hold your spot on the course; 50% of the remaining balance must be paid by 1st February 2025; and the full balance must by paid by 1st May 2025.
Please find our 200-Hour Terms & Conditions, and Policies at the top of the page.
I have read and agree to the terms, conditions, and policies set forth by Yoga Quarter.
Full Name as Desired on Final YTT Certificate